Why Is Everyone Talking About Precision Medicine Right Now?

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One-size-fits-all might be a good approach for buying new sunglasses, but when it comes to healthcare, the world is realizing the potential of personalization. Now, instead of generic advice and rushed doctor’s appointments, people everywhere are searching for customized healthcare plans based on their specific lifestyle, genetics, and medical history.

It’s called precision medicine—and if you haven’t heard of it yet, you will. Here’s what precision medicine means, how it’s related to genomics, and why it’s being called the future of healthcare.

What is precision medicine?

Precision medicine, sometimes referred to as personalized medicine, is a new approach to healthcare that recognizes the differences among individuals, and takes that information into account when treating the patient. Some of those variances might include genetics, lifestyle, blood testing, environment, and medical history.

Because it’s focused on the individual, precision medicine allows doctors to predict risk factors for disease much more accurately. It’s also a helpful perspective when deciding on prevention or treatment plans. For example, a 32-year-old woman with no family history of heart disease will have a much different risk profile for cardiac arrest than a 67-year-old man who has high blood pressure. Instead of prescribing treatments or prevention strategies based on a hypothetical “average” person, precision medicine tailors healthcare plans on a case-by-case basis.

How do genomics fit into precision medicine?

Let’s back up a little bit first. Remember learning about DNA in sixth-grade science? (Don’t worry, it’s okay if you don’t.) DNA is the chemical compound that makes up a living organism, and it consists of two twisting, paired strands—the famous double helix.

Your complete set of DNA is called your genome. Think of your genome as your own personal user’s manual. It contains all the information about how you operate, what diseases you’re born with, what genetic mutations you have, and so much more.

And so, genomics is the study of all of a person’s genes, including how those genes interact with each other and with the person's environment. Within precision medicine, genomics is one of the variables doctors take into account when mapping out your optimal healthcare plan.

Why is precision medicine trending right now?

Simply put, our healthcare system is broken. Precision medicine can be seen as a solution to the old approach, where the focus is on disease treatment and generalized advice. Here’s how precision health stands out.

First, patients are tired of slapping BandAids on major health issues, or waiting until a health problem pops up to see their doctor. Personalized medicine takes a prevention-first approach. Through comprehensive testing and in-depth questionnaires, doctors are able to focus on the root causes of disease, rather than simply treating symptoms.

Patients are also realizing that what works for their next-door neighbor doesn’t (and shouldn’t) necessarily work for them. These days, you can order custom mattresses by taking a quiz online or buy a pair of shoes using 3D fitting. Now, people are craving that same optimization with their healthcare.

Precision healthcare takes advantage of all the data and testing options we have at our fingertips, using things like bloodwork, genetic biomarkers, and even wearable data (yes, from your Apple Watch) to make personalized recommendations on diet, sleep, exercise, and more.

Plus, precision healthcare recognizes that it often “takes a village,” as they say. Your personal healthcare team (including a physician and a health coach) is there to move you forward, by giving you customized recommendations and following up to see how they work. With the power of a team behind you, you’re able to make real progress towards your health goals.

Finally, precision healthcare puts the patient in the driver’s seat. With information specific to your body, you’re able to set health goals based on how you envision your life. Want to make sure you’re active throughout your entire life? Focus on lowering your risk for diabetes? With precision healthcare, your healthcare team can help you live your vision of a happy, healthy life.