Raising the Bar in Health Care

Our Member Journey
Begin with your DNA analysis, an in-depth blood panel, thorough medical intake, and intro call with your Coach!
When the results are in, meet with your Physician to review the data, refine goals, and map out your custom care plan.
Begin implementing the actionable interventions from your physician, while meeting regularly with your coach.
Start achieving goals and setting new ones, retesting to track progress, and refining your plan with your providers.
A Custom Blueprint for Better Wellbeing
Precision Medicine is a personalized, data-driven approach to delivering care that addresses root-causes through lifestyle-first interventions across several key focus areas. This active form of medicine moves with you through every stage of life.
*Wild Health is HIPPA compliant and nevers shares or sells your genetic information with anyone. Please see our Privacy Policy here.

The Key Pillars of Health
Genetics & Bloodwork
A custom and comprehensive analysis of your DNA and bloodwork.
Nutrition & Supplementation
Personalized diet and supplement recommendations to fuel your body.
Exercise & Training
Tailored training recommendations to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Sleep & Recovery
Interventions to improve your sleep quality for optimal function.
Helping you build a mindfulness practice for peace of mind.
Chronic Disease Risk
Targeted interventions around chronic disease risk to improve your health span.
Still have questions?

Most of the medical world follows ‘general guidelines’ based on statistics to provide diagnoses and treatments that work for the majority of people. We created a proprietary DNA analysis that looks at over 700,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), or single genetic variations, that our physicians have hand-selected based on their importance to health, wellness, and human potential. These SNPs affect things like blood vessels, nutrient absorption, nerve function, performance, fatigue, and many other functions.
Our approach requires us to focus on the entire system holistically, so we build a foundation with your unique genetics. We sequence your DNA to analyze the genetic advantages, predispositions, and disadvantages that make up your human operating system. Knowing this code is critical to personalizing a plan to optimize your health across all key pillars: nutrition, exercise, recovery, sleep, microbiome, neurobehavioral, and chronic disease risk.

We only share information with whomever the patient instructs us to. If an insurance company requests medical records, we contact the patient to authorize the release. In 2008, Congress passed the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA) to prevent the unauthorized release of information. You can read more about that here.

A member of our Care Coordination Team is happy to discuss and help determine if a Wild Health’s Precision Medicine membership is right for you. For Standard inquiries, please call our offices at (859) 439-0400 anytime from 9:00am-5:00pm EST Monday through Friday, or schedule a free informational consultation by clicking here. For Premium inquiries, please email premium@wildhealth.com.

Most of the medical world follows what are referred to as ‘general guidelines’ based on statistics to provide diagnoses and treatments that work for the majority of people. In Precision Medicine, we start with your DNA and an extensive lab panel (if purchased) to get a holistic picture of your health. With your results, we review genetic factors unique to you, as well as personalized interventions to turn certain genes on or off – we can turn “on” your good genes with certain lifestyle choices. We combine all of this into a personalized health plan just for you.

Yes – we accept both HSA and FSA. Please note that we always recommend our patients reach out to these entities directly, as guidelines may vary.

Not right now, but we hope to accept insurance soon. If you would like your insurance to cover Wild Health, we recommend letting your insurance carrier know! If you’d like to request that your insurance company cover the cost of a visit that you’ve already completed, please let our support team know. We would be happy to provide you with a super bill that you may submit to your insurance company to request reimbursement for Wild Health services.

Yes – if you’re currently on a Standard or Premium Peak Membership and would like to upgrade to either Premium Peak or Elite, you can send a message to support or email premium@wildhealth.com to discuss.